
Redmane Castle Festival Elden Ring

Redmane Castle is a dungeon found in the southeast corner of the Caelid surface area in Elden Ring. Information technology is a modest castle without much going on, but serves as the access indicate for the boss battle against one of the Elden Lords. This page will contain walkthrough and guide data on how to accomplish Redmane Castle, all the treasures and items that tin be found inside, and how to defeat its fearsome dominate.

Sections in this Page


  • How to Get to Redmane Castle
  • Redmane Castle Walkthrough
  • Redmane Castle Mid-Boss Fight
  • Redmane Castle Festival Walkthrough
  • Starscourge Radahn Boss Fight

How to Get to Redmane Castle

Redmane Castle in the lesser-most corner of the Caelid region, far abroad from nearly of the places yous accept been upward to this point in this guide. And so to save some time nosotros are going to make use a teleporter trap to get usa pretty close!

If y'all've already been exploring much of the Caelid region, you tin can use a Sending Gate teleporter located at to teleport directly to the Redmane Castle's Impassible Greatbridge!

Travel to the Dragon-Burnt Ruins in Limgrave, in the lakebed directly east from The Offset Stride Site of Grace. Here y'all will find a cellar full of rats and a treasure chest that, when opened, ensnares you and sends you to a hut within the Sellia Crystal Tunnel.


Exit the hut and take an immediate right. and run downward the colina and past all the crystal miners. At the bottom of the mine you will meet a tunnel that takes you back to the mine entrance, where you can actuate the Site of Grace.

Pace outside of the tunnel and y'all will detect yourself looking out over a rotten swamp in Caelid. Hop onto Torrent and ride downwardly to the embankment forepart, then become left and follow the beach until you detect the Sellia Under Stair Site of Grace among some rubble between the swamp and the metropolis of Sellia.

From hither, head upwards the nearby staircase and into Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Immediately turn toward the due south and follow the primary road through the boondocks and out the front gate. Keep following this route and you will somewhen pass right through the Sellia Gateway.

Proceed following this same road south-southeast and you volition somewhen come up across the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank Site of Grace.


Follow the road a lilliputian farther west and you will run into a merchant as well equally the area map.

With the map in paw y'all can now see the castle to the southeast. Go on post-obit the road, being conscientious not to appoint with any of the enemies along the way. You will go correct by a Golden Seed, so be sure to grab that before you go along. Ride to the end of this road and you lot will accomplish the Impassable Greatbridge Site of Grace backside a giant siege machine.

Important Annotation: Currently, a certain side quest result featuring Ranni the Witch can lead to a point where the "festival" in Redmane Castle will commence, despawning almost all of the soldier enemies inside and out of the castle, leaving the siege weapons unmanned, and even the mid-boss event despawned. It will also activate the Sending Gate teleporters on either side of the greatbridge that both lead straight to the castle's master plaza. If this is the example for your playthough, you lot tin can skip ahead to the Radahn fight.

Hop back on Torrent and ride across the span, avoiding the shots from the flame turrets, then weave effectually the enemies and ramparts as you follow the road on the other side all the style upwards to the castle gates. Unfortunately the gate is airtight, so nosotros will have to take the long way. Turn right at the gate and ride along the cliffs where you volition discover a surreptitious path around the castle. In that location are some bats in the way, but as long every bit yous don't go hit y'all can merely leap right over them.


In the back is a small graveyard where you will find a ladder leading up to the elevation of the castle walls. Climb to the top, then make your way downwardly the wooden walkway to the right to achieve a roof within the castle walls.

Use the ladder to get downward into the castle, then enter the nearby doorway to get into the barracks and open the backdoor into the castle so you don't have to accept the ladder on time to come visits. In these barracks y'all can also discover a Smithing Stone [five] and the Armorer's Cookbook [5].

Redmane Castle Walkthrough

Because Redmane Castle is and then pocket-size in that location isn't much of a walkthrough needed, but there are a couple random items we can observe before heading to the boss. Exit the barracks and jump over the wall behind the Stake of Marika to reach a lower department of the castle. Climb the stairs to get into the guard tower on your left where you lot will detect a Golden Rune [half dozen].

Directly ahead you will meet a plaza with two of the powerful lion enemies we have faced in the by. Ignore them for at present and go right instead where you will come across a set of stairs and a teleporter that will take you lot out of the castle and dorsum to the Impassable Greatbridge. Follow the road at the top of the stairs forrard and you lot volition encounter a heavily guarded rampart, full of soldiers and flame turrets. Sneak past or button through to accomplish the other side where you volition see a small room with a Site of Grace within.


With the Site of Grace active yous tin go back and kill both of the lions, though I recommend using a ranged weapon to depict them out one at a time. Each one will drop a Somber Smithing Stone [4], Beast Blood, and Old Fang. Search the courtyard hither to find an Arteria Leaf and a Smithing Stone [4].

Head dorsum to the Site of Grace from earlier and step out the side door where you volition encounter a dominate door directly ahead.

Redmane Castle Mid-Dominate Fight

At first this fight seems to be simply another come across with the Leonine Misbegotten, similar to the one you would have faced at Castle Morne. However nigh halfway through the fight the Leonine will be joined by a Crucible Knight, complicated things immensely.

When it comes to the Leonine, I cannot stress enough how important information technology is to get a shield with the Barricade Shield power. When agile this ability to causes almost all of the Leonine's sword attacks to bounce off, leaving it open to a gratis Guard Counter. This makes any run across with a Leonine adequately trivial, and makes this encounter much easier.

Once the Crucible Knight joins the battle your focus should exist on finishing the Leonine first because yous do non desire to have to juggle these two combatants. Thankfully the Leonine is a much faster moving opponent, so yous can describe it abroad from the Knight and proceed your Barricade into Counter assault until he is defeated.

With the Leonine out of the manner you can focus on the more daunting foe, the Crucible Knight. This foe has powerful multi-striking combos with deceptive pauses between attacks, and is not easily guard broken.


Because of all of this it is my opinion that the best manner to bargain with the Crucible Knights is to simply parry them. Sadly we had a Battlement Shield shield equipped to deal with the Leonine, so you will demand to back up and practice a quick carte to swap your shield. Continue your shield up and look for one of his telegraphed diagonal slashes which more easily parried than his more powerful swings. It may take a few attempts to go the timing right, merely this is a good way to outset yourself on the journey toward parry mastery.

If y'all cannot primary the parry timing you will have to await out one of his heavy slam or powerful thrusts that he usually reserves for the end of a combo, which give you a minor window to get a hit or 2 in before he starts upwardly over again.

At half health the Knight will power up and incorporate some dragon magic into his arsenal. Your best bet against these attacks is to simply not engage. Back away or try and strafe backside him if you see the fire breath, and dodge roll away when he begins his tail swings When he goes up for his flying dive assault you want to expect till the moment he charges and contrivance through it. You will want to proceed waiting for his normal sword combos to punish (withal another reason why parrying is optimal here, more impairment when he does leave himself open ways less chances for him to use his magic).

Redmane Castle Festival Walkthrough

With the mid-bosses defeated reload the expanse and return to the boss arena where y'all should now see a bunch of NPCs gathered together. A crier standing on the gate ahead will announce the start of the festival. Go through the gate and upwards the stairs so you tin speak to him directly. He will ask if yous are ready for the festival. Say yes to watch a cutscene explaining the story behind Radahn, then you be taken to the get-go of the Radahn Festival, where you will as well exist given the Heartening Weep emote.

Turn around and enter the building behind the gate. Walk into the chapel, grab the Smithing Stone [half-dozen] from the altar, then exit and discover the elevator that takes you down to the beach behind the castle. Run downwardly to the teleporter in the h2o and apply it to exist taken to the boss arena.

Starscourge Radahn Dominate Fight


Starscourge Radahn is a powerful Elden Lord who stalks the Wailing Wastes. The battle against him is an interesting mix of fun and claiming, but can be a little slow and random.

The boxing will begin the instant you spawn into the Wailing Wastes, and Radahn will begin firing powerful arrows at yous correct away. Wait until the moment but before the arrow reaches you, and then dodge whorl side to side. Y'all need to do this a few times at the commencement of the fight, so go on your eye on him at all times.

The gimmick of this battle is that y'all get to summon a handful of NPCs to help you lot in the festival. You lot will see their summon signs scattered all over the sand in forepart of yous. Nuance over to the signs and summon the NPCs in-between arrow shots until all of the possible allies have been summoned so that the real boxing can begin. The allies you can summon include:

  • Great Horned Tragoth, who wields a giant hammer
  • Lionel the Lionhearted, who summons large groups of homing souls
  • Okina, a samurai who uses peppery blood slice attacks
  • Alexander the Iron Fist, the warrior jar you may have met earlier in the game
  • Blaidd the Half-Wolf, another warrior you may have met earlier as function of Ranni's questline
  • Patches (if you met and didn't impale him, though he'll take a few steps earlier deciding to quickly go out instead of fighting)
  • Finger Maiden Therolina, who can be summoned nearly the top of the dunes and will invoke healing spells to try and bolster the group

Radahn will modify up his strategy and start firing shotgun blasts of arrows equally well every bit a homing pelting of arrows. During this flow just strafe around at a safe distance until your NPC ground forces achieve him and he switches to melee attacks. At this indicate you lot want to hop on Torrent and run in with the balance of your allies.


Mounting upwardly for this battle isn't 100% required, but due to the incredible onslaught of his moves, it'due south highly recommended to stay mobile on horseback unless you are an expert at dodging rapid attacks.

This is where the battle becomes a little unpredictable. Radahn has many powerful wide reaching attacks, and he moves around incredibly fast. He will start lashing out at the various summoned NPCs, killing most of them with ease. Information technology is during these periods of distraction that y'all want to nuance past on Torrent and execute a hit and run.

Try and pick a weapon with good range and damage because you will only exist striking him in one case or twice per pass (Drain doesn't hurt either). Endeavour to more often than not hitting him in the back, as he will likely be attacking forward when trying to hit your summoned allies. Your goal is to never be the center of attention, and run away any fourth dimension he turns to you. Stick effectually too long, and it's more than likely you'll be caught in a sweeping strike, stunning Torrent long enough that y'all won't be able to dash away in time to evade a killing blow.

Go on in mind that most of his attacks are multi-hit combos. His most punishable attacks are his double weapon overhead slams. He has 2-3 different ones so just keep an middle on him. Anytime you see him slam both his weapons into the basis is an opening to attack.

Just be conscientious of the purple charged blades, which result in a massive explosion when he pulls them dorsum out of the footing. If you are lucky your allies may even hit him plenty times to trigger a stagger, at which betoken yous can hop off Torrent and get a powerful attack in.

You should also consider crafting tons of Rowa Raisins to feed Torrent during parts of the boxing where yous're non under attack. Losing Torrent in a boxing like this tin ofttimes spell instant death, and your mountain doesn't ever regen to full wellness when you die and respawn - so pinnacle him off before going back for another attempt!


Radahn also has a few ranged blade attacks to keep in mind, the first a volley of purple orbs that tin can exist easily dodged by strafing. The second is a wave of electricity that runs across the footing, which y'all need to double-jump over with Torrent - and leaping over this dive attack can often give you a complimentary hit or two.

When Radahn reaches 50% health he will leap into the sky, disappearing from the battle for about 10 seconds. Apply this time to heal and await for whatever nearby summon signs, which will reappear for anyone who was killed during stage one. Keep an eye on the sky, because you will be able to see Radahn coming equally he shoots back down to earth. At this signal, you'll besides become 1 more ally to summon who has been added to the mix: Castellan Jerren, the master of ceremonies for the festival who wields a peppery flamberge.

Note - Yous may merely be able to summon co-operators so many times before their summon signs stop appearing among the dunes. This means yous won't always be able to allow them do all the heavy lifting for you - and then getting in your hits where it counts can exist crucial to victory.

In phase ii Radahn gains some new tricks, but with your refreshed gang of summoned allies backing yous the strategy remains more often than not the same. His attacks become more than powerful and gain wider ranges or more serious effects. You lot need to focus upward and redouble your efforts here and not permit the fight go long enough for Radahn to kill all your allies again, or apply his powerful meteor summons which are both difficult to dodge and deadly.

All in all, this is a boss battle that tin be considered at least partially luck based. If your summoned allies stay alive and do their job Radahn may never even look at you, letting you lot go free hits and staggers. Simply if he kills them all off with one or two combos you may be left running for your life. Once you lot've mastered the above mentioned patterns it will just come down to the number of attempts, and then keep at it and somewhen the festival will finish with you the victor.


Killing Radahn will get you lot the Remembrance of the Starscourge, and Radahn's Not bad Rune. It will also trigger a cutscene that shows a shooting star landing somewhere on the map, which will trigger a continuation of Ranni's questline...

Note: If Redmane Castle was devoid of enemies in your playthrough, or you simply want to be able to fight them once again, you tin return to Castellan Jerren in the chapel behind the plaza to get some last dialogue from him that concludes the "festival" consequence, reverting the castle to its normal country full of enemies.

Upwardly Next: Nokron, Eternal Urban center Location and Walkthrough

In This Wiki Guide

Elden Ring

Elden Ring

Elden Ring is an expansive fantasy Action-RPG game adult past FromSoftware, Inc. under the management of Hidetaka Miyazaki and created in collaboration with famed author George R.R. Martin.

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Redmane Castle Festival Elden Ring,


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